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Wild Wine


Michael is an only son of a well-off family. After graduating from university, he comes back to his small hometown and works at his grandfather’s jewelry store. Far from the rat race and free from ambition and desires of consumerism, he enjoys walks in the forest, long bicycle trips, and wandering in the countryside. He is almost thirty years old, and his father wants him to find a more ambitious occupation and get married.

At the time when Michael starts dating Anna, a nice and shy girl ten years his junior, misfortune falls on his best friend. Peter’s son has been born with a serious heart defect, and a very expensive surgery is necessary.

While searching the internet, Michael comes across an article about a rich businessman from the capital city. The conservative mogul, whose name is Henry, offers a huge sum of money to a man who will seduce his daughter Agnes. She has recently revealed publicly that she is a lesbian and wants to marry Christine, a well-known journalist, ten years her senior. Same-sex marriage is illegal in their country, but Christine has dual citizenship with France, so they intend to get married there.

Michael goes on an expedition to the capital city to win the promised reward. He wants to help his friend, but he is also allured by the picaresque nature of the venture.

During a meeting with Henry, Michael learns what his role is supposed to be. The matter turns out to be much more serious and awkward that he expected. He discovers how complex the relations among Henry, Agnes, and Christine are.

In a humorous and lighthearted way, the novel deals with the weighty issues of love, friendship, family, and parenthood. It also shows how happy and satisfying a quiet life on the sidelines can be if you like people, nature, books, and your hometown.


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