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Najnowsze posty

Wild Wine

  Michael is an only son of a well-off family. After graduating from university, he comes back to his small hometown and works at his grandfather’s jewelry store. Far from the rat race and free from ambition and desires of consumerism, he enjoys walks in the forest, long bicycle trips, and wandering in the countryside. He is almost thirty years old, and his father wants him to find a more ambitious occupation and get married. At the time when Michael starts dating Anna, a nice and shy girl ten years his junior, misfortune falls on his best friend. Peter’s son has been born with a serious heart defect, and a very expensive surgery is necessary. While searching the internet, Michael comes across an article about a rich businessman from the capital city. The conservative mogul, whose name is Henry, offers a huge sum of money to a man who will seduce his daughter Agnes. She has recently revealed publicly that she is a lesbian and wants to marry Christine, a well-known journalist, ten y

The Rainy Afternoon of a Faun

  Divorced and devastated over the loss of her small son, Eva falls ill with psoriasis. She lives alone and works from home. Simon desperately wants to get close to her again and uses the services of a certain young man. Paul pretends to be a burglar and lets Eva catch him red-handed. She is unaware of Simon’s intrigue but has her own scheme. Paul is a good candidate for the unwitting father of her future child. But the young man has his own secrets. To complicate matters even more, there are things that cannot be controlled. Such as life and death. The story is at once lightweight yet serious. It deals with marriage and breakup, loneliness and rejection, overcoming misery, psychological and sexual matching or mismatching, intellectual and sensual pleasure, the need for parenthood, death and giving new life. This novel is about a normal life that is unique and unusual. This novel is about an unusual love that is common and ordinary.

The Healer's Visit

In a small town in a Catholic country somewhere in Europe, an unusual young man appears. He has no clothes. He is cold and hungry. He can barely speak. An old alcoholic and a priest from the local parish take pity on him and help the stranger by giving him some clothes and food. The young man meets a lonely girl who has suffered a tragedy and is under the care of some old nuns. The four become good friends. It soon becomes evident that the stranger has a healing power. When a bishop from the priest’s diocese learns about the healer, he wants to see him right away. The bishop has just been diagnosed with an incurable disease. The most influential people in the Church, government, and business compete to take advantage of the healer. He gets in danger and his friends try to help him. Some tragic things happen against the backdrop of a literal witch hunt that erupts in the country. Meanwhile, the healer shows other supernatural abilities and it is him who saves his friends. Before dep

The Touch of the Intangible

  This book is the first part of a large collection of haiku which have been written during my many years of practicing haiku poetry. A lot of the poems contained here were previously published in the world’s best haiku magazines. Some received awards in international contests and some were republished in important anthologies. In addition, the reader will find a selection of my senryu and haibun, most of which were previously published in various journals.   ever since we lost touch her cold hands

Singing the World a Prima Vista

  This book is the second part of a large collection of haiku which have been written during my many years of practicing haiku poetry. A lot of the poems contained here were previously published in the world’s best haiku magazines. Some received awards in international contests and some were republished in important anthologies. In addition, the reader will find a selection of my senryu and haibun, most of which were previously published in various journals.   summer afternoon the salamander basking in inattention

A Hundred Likes

  This book contains a hundred poems. They present people, things, places, activities, and occurrences liked by the author for various reasons. Other recently published books by the same author include two haiku collections: “The Touch of the Intangible” and “Singing the World a Prima Vista.” Readers may also be interested in a short narrative biography of the brilliant French poet Arthur Rimbaud titled “Adieu, Rimbaud!”   “I like the nothingness that dressed up as you for the duration of the masquerade”   “I like the old cinema we leave in the evening you remember that French actress she had a certain je ne sais quoi until the very FIN”   “I like to read Baudelaire after our parting on the last day of October the public like a dog recoils from perfume wants to savor excrement”